Blog Planner Template: Give Your Blogs a Higher Rank

A blog planner template is helpful in planning and scheduling of the blog posts that the blogger intends to make. It is important in order to maintain the frequency of posting on the blog and this is because the readers may lose interest if the blog is not updated frequently. By planning topics, keywords, and publication dates, bloggers can ensure that they always have fresh content to post.

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This consistency not only improves the effectiveness of the company’s communication but also boosts the company’s presence and credibility in the online sphere. In addition, a blog planner assists bloggers in tracking their progress, getting ideas, and planning their work, which makes the process of content creation more efficient and meaningful.

Part 1. Blog Content Planner Template

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A blog content planner template is a tool that is used by bloggers to assist them in the planning of their content creation. While a general blog planner template is more focused on the overall planning and management of the blog, a blog content planner template is more specific and detailed in that it guides the blogger through the planning process of each blog post.

Here are some key differences between a blog content planner template and a general blog planner template:

  • Focus

Blog Content Planner Template: It includes the type of content that is posted, the topics that are discussed, the target audience, keywords, SEO, and the frequency of posting.

General Blog Planner Template: It is also in charge of the overall management of the blog, including the creation of the editorial calendar, content ideas, sharing on social networks, tracking of metrics and collaboration with other team members.

  • Detail

Blog Content Planner Template: Splits some of the content creation aspects into categories and subcategories, including the audience, content type (blog post, video, infographic), keywords, meta tags, and promotion techniques.

General Blog Planner Template: Provides a broader perspective of the blogging process and the steps that are involved in it such as; blogging creation, blogging scheduling, blogging posting, blogging marketing and blogging assessment.

10 Example Sections in a Blog Content Planner Template:

Some of the examples of the sections that can be included in a Blog Content Planner Template include:

  1. Content Topic: A brief heading or a small hint about what the blog post is going to contain.
  2. Target Audience: Some facts about the target audience of the blog post.
  3. Keywords: Here are some of the specific terms and phrases that are used in SEO and search engine optimization:
  4. Content Type: The type of the content (for example, article, tutorial, review, list, case study).
  5. SEO Elements: Meta tags, meta tags descriptions, image descriptions, internal and external links.
  6. Content Outline: The blog post, its topics and subtopics, and the ideas expressed in the post.
  7. Visuals/Graphics: How to place images, graphics, videos or any other form of media into the blog post.
  8. Publishing Schedule: The day and the time that the blog post is supposed to be published and any promotions or campaigns that are to be run.
  9. Promotion Strategy: Ideas on how to repost the blog post on social media platforms to the email subscribers, guest posts, etc.
  10. Analytics Tracking: Post metrics that are related to post performance such as the number of views, level of engagement, number of conversions, and search engine optimization rankings.

In general, a blog content planner template is a more detailed and structured approach to planning the content of a blog post which will help to make each blog post more effective, SEO-friendly and valuable for the readers.

Part 2. Notion Blog Planner Template

Notion is a flexible tool that can be applied to many tasks, and one of them is the creation of a blog planner. It has features such as templates, database, collaboration and integration with other applications which makes it suitable for bloggers to organize their work and plan for their blogs effectively.

One Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up a Blog Planner Template in Notion:

For your ease, we divide customization tactics into the following chunks. So, you can be able to understand how you can set up your blog planner effectively.

Step 1: Create a New Workspace

Visit the Notion website and create a new workspace for your blog post planner template by following the steps below. You can choose from a number of templates or design your own from the scratch.

Step 2: Add a section for content ideas

Create a page or a section of the website where you will be posting all your content ideas. Group ideas into sections based on topics, keywords, or themes by using headers or tags. Elaborate on each idea by providing notes, links or other forms of media.

Step 3: Make a List of Editorial Calendar

Create a new page or a section in your editorial calendar. It is helpful to use tables or calendar views when organizing your publishing schedule. Some of the information that should be included are the date of the post, the title of the post, the status of the post (whether it is a draft, scheduled or published) and the tasks that have been assigned to it.

Part 3. Blog Planner Template Excel

Using Excel in developing a blog planner template is a convenient and flexible way of planning for your blog. Below are some of how you can apply Excel in your blog planning and customization:

  • Structure Your Spreadsheet

It is helpful to organize your blog planning in several tabs or sheets, for instance, the content calendar, content ideas, target audience, keywords, and analytics. The columns should be named in a way that is easy to understand so that the data can be arranged in the right order.

  • Color-Coding

We can also use different colours to emphasize some information or to categorize the content by theme, status (for example, planned, created, published), or priority. For instance, you can use green to represent the published posts, yellow for the posts that are to be posted in the future, and red for the posts that are still being written.

  • Formulas for Tracking Metrics

To track and assess the performance of your blog, you should employ Excel formulas to track the following metrics: impressions, click-through rates, click-through conversions, and search engine results. For example, the SUM formulas can be used to find the total number of page views per month, while the AVERAGE formulas can be used to determine the average engagement rates.

  • Dropdown Menus for Categories

To do this, navigate to the data validation tool in Excel and make use of drop down lists to choose categories, tags or content type for each blog post. This is useful in the arrangement of the data entry and also assists in the classification of the blog content.

  • Date Functions

For the purpose of structuring the publishing dates, deadlines and content updates, it is possible to use Excel's date functions. Some of the functions that can be used include the use of the TODAY() function to input the current date or to calculate due dates based on a given period.

  • Conditional Formatting

Conditional formatting rules should be used to highlight dates, deadlines, or performance indicators that need to be emphasized. For instance, you can use conditional formatting to highlight cells depending on the upcoming publishing dates or to hide posts that do not correspond to the necessary conditions.

  • Graphs and Charts

Ensure that you have used Excel to draw line, bar and pie charts of your blog analytics. When it comes to decision making about your blog, it is always wise to use graphs and charts to analyze trends, performance and audience.

Part 4. Blog Post Planner Template

A blog planner template is a tool that is very important in the planning process of blog posts and their arrangement. It assists the bloggers in planning, planning and planning for their content creation so that it can be logical, timely and interesting to the readers. A blog post planner template is a written document that will help in planning and organizing the blog post from the conceptualization stage to the actual posting stage. It helps to determine the strengths of each post, the organization of writing, and the adherence to the content plan and goals.

Sections to Include:

  • Title:Here are some suggestions for the title or headline of your blog post: This is useful as it assists one in having a direction and not being carried away by unrelated issues.
  • Keywords:Explain the key terms or expressions that can be utilized in the search engine optimization of the site. It is suggested to employ both the primary and secondary keywords to enhance the site's position in the SERP.
  • Content Outline:List the sections, main ideas, subtopics, and overall structure of your blog post. This will ensure that the writing does not become stagnant and that the ideas presented are well connected.
  • Visual Elements: Create a list of all the images, graphics, videos, or any other form of media that should be included in the blog post. Explain what they are and where they should be located.
  • Call-to-Action (CTA):Remember to always leave your readers with a call to action after reading your post. This could be to subscribe to your newsletter, share on social media, or read other related content.
  • SEO Optimization: It is also important to write down the meta titles, meta descriptions, alt tags of images and other SEO aspects you wish to employ in your post.
  • Publishing Details:Estimate the amount of time that it will take to write the post, the amount of time that it will take to edit the post and the amount of time that it will take to post the content. If it is a schedule or publication, indicate the date or time of the schedule or publication and the channel where it will be released. Also, you can include promotion strategies.

Benefits of Using a Blog Post Planner Template:

  • Enhances organization by compiling all the blog information.
  • Reduces the time spent in the creation of content through the elimination of efforts.
  • It ensures that the posts are consistent with the general theme and the image of the brand.
  • Enhances the SEO impact by making specific changes.
  • It also helps in increasing user engagement as it guides the placement of the content.

Part 5. Craft Unique Blog Planner Templates by Using Afirstsoft PDF

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Introducing our newest addition of a free printable blog planner template collection from Afirstsoft PDF! This is a beneficial tool that will allow you to create blog planner templates that can fit your blogging needs. Whether you need to split, merge, or rearrange pages, our product provides relative ease. You can easily download it from the Google Play Store with just one click. Whether you are a Windows user or a MAC user, Afirstsoft PDF Editor is compatible with both. Here's our customization guide that can help you design the perfect blog planner template for your website blogging;

Step 1: Welcome and Let the Adventure Begin.


Once you have downloaded Afirstsoft PDF Editor, launch the application to begin designing your blog planner template. You can either start a new PDF document or open a template that you want to edit to meet your blogging schedule.

Step 2: Adaptation and Personalization


First, you need to change the blog planner template based on your blogging plan. To do this, open the Afirstsoft PDF editing tool and add text boxes representing the various blogging activities, such as writing, editing, posting, and marketing. Ensure that each task is clearly described and organized so that it is easy to locate.

Step 3: Enhance and Highlight

It is also important to ensure that the sections of the blog planner template are emphasized by using formatting tools such as bolding, italicizing underlining or even using different colours. It is also possible to include some icons or graphics in the template to make it more attractive and convenient for the users.

Step 4: Save and Share


After you have developed your blog planner template to the extent that you want, you should then export it in the format of your choice. First of all, Afirstsoft PDF Editor supports PDF, Excel, Word, and PowerPoint formats, which means that you can use your templates created with the help of this program on any device.

Part 6. Key Takeaways

A blog planner template is a very helpful tool that can help you plan your blog and its content in a more efficient manner. It assists in streamlining the blogging process by organizing topics, keywords, and posting dates, among other things. This organization is efficient in the sense that it frees up time that would have been used to think and also to ensure that you meet your deadlines.

It also makes it easier to have a standard format of your posts, and this will make your readers be more interested and engaged. Furthermore, a blog planner template is beneficial in SEO planning where one can plan for the keywords to use and how to optimize the blog to be more search engine friendly. For anyone who is a blogger, whether a new blogger or an experienced one, it is crucial to use a blog planner template as it can enhance the blogging experience.

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John Smith


With 10 years of experience in the office industry, John Smith is a tech enthusiast and seasoned copywriter. He likes sharing insightful product reviews, comparisons, and etc.

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