How to View and Add Comments in PDFs | Complete Guide

Did you know that inefficient document collaboration can cost teams both time and money? It’s common for feedback on important documents like contracts, reports, or design proposals to get lost in a sea of emails or forgotten altogether. PDFs, traditionally seen as static and non-interactive, have evolved into powerful platforms for dynamic collaboration. One of the key features that enable this shift is the ability to view and add comments directly in PDF documents.

Whether you are part of a team reviewing a contract, a professor grading assignments, or a designer collecting feedback, the ability to seamlessly annotate and comment on a PDF will make your workflow faster and more organized. In this guide, we’ll explore how to master these features using tools like Afirstsoft PDF, Adobe Acrobat, PDF-Xchange Editor, and Light PDF. By the end, you’ll know exactly how to use each tool to efficiently view, add, manage, and remove comments in a way that improves collaboration, boosts productivity, and ensures nothing gets missed.

Part 1. Detailed Guide to PDF Commenting Tools

Overview of Essential Tools: Exploring Afirstsoft PDF, Adobe Acrobat, PDF-XChange Editor, and Light PDF

Before diving into specific features, let’s first get an overview of the four main tools we’ll be discussing:

  1. Afirstsoft PDF: A user-friendly and versatile tool designed to make annotating, commenting, and managing PDFs as simple as possible. It’s ideal for users looking for a balanced tool that combines basic and advanced commenting functionalities.
  2. Adobe Acrobat: The industry standard for PDF handling, Adobe Acrobat is known for its robust commenting and annotation tools, which include the ability to filter, sort, and export comments.
  3. PDF-XChange Editor: This editor is particularly well-suited for users looking for comprehensive markup options and detailed interaction with annotations. It offers seamless exporting to Word and PowerPoint, making it a favorite for presentations.
  4. Light PDF: A lightweight and easy-to-use online tool that provides basic commenting and annotation features, making it perfect for users who need to quickly add and view comments without heavy software installations.

Each tool offers a different experience, and depending on your needs—whether you’re working alone or with a team, on desktop or mobile—one of these tools will be the best fit.

Part 2. Afirstsoft PDF: Streamline Your Annotations

Getting Started

When working with Afirstsoft PDF, adding and managing comments is a breeze. As a versatile tool, it allows users to annotate, highlight, and comment with minimal effort. Once a PDF is open, simply select the Comment tab to get started.

navigating the comment tab

Adding Comments: Right-Click to Open Pop-Up Notes

To add a comment, the process is intuitive. Right-click on any text or annotation, such as a highlight or underline, and select "Open Pop-Up Note." This opens a small window where you can type your comment. This feature ensures that your feedback is linked directly to the relevant text, reducing confusion and keeping the document organized.

adding comment to the annotation

Viewing Comments: Hover or Click on the Comment List Icon

To view comments, Afirstsoft PDF offers two options:

  1. Hover Over the Annotation: Simply move your mouse over the annotation, and the associated comment will appear in a small pop-up window. This feature is perfect for quickly reviewing feedback without having to click on each individual comment.
viewing the comment by hovering over the annotation
  1. Click on the Comment List Icon: Located in the left panel, the Comment List Iconwill display all comments in the document at once. This is ideal for users working on larger documents where multiple comments need to be reviewed at once. You can also filter and sort comments within this list to prioritize feedback.
exploring the comment list feature

Enhancing Interaction

One of the strengths of Afirstsoft PDF is its customizable comment options:

Customizing Comments: You can choose different colors for your comments to make them stand out, or categorize them by type. This feature is helpful when multiple people are reviewing a document, as each reviewer can assign themselves a unique color.

customizing the comment by choosing a different color

Managing Annotations: Opening and Closing All Pop-Ups

To manage large sets of annotations, Afirstsoft PDF allows you to open all comment pop-ups simultaneously by selecting "Open All Pop-Ups." This can be helpful if you want to view all comments in one place for a holistic review.

viewing all comments at once

When you're done, you can declutter your view by selecting "Close All Pop-Ups" to collapse all comment windows at once.

closing all comments’ windows at once

Cleanup and Customization

If you need to delete a comment, simply click on the annotation, select the comment icon, and click on the brush icon to remove it.

deleting or removing the comment

Part 3. Adobe Acrobat: Advanced Comment Management

Basic Operations

Adobe Acrobat is known for its powerful PDF management capabilities, and commenting is no exception.

Quick Comment Access: Hover over any annotation to reveal its associated comment. This feature allows for rapid feedback review without requiring additional clicks.

hovering over the annotation to view the comment

For a more comprehensive look at all comments in the document, click the Comment Icon on the right panel. This opens the Comment List, which shows every note in the document.

accessing the comment list to view all the comments in the document

Adding Detailed Responses: Right-Click for Pop-Up Notes and Replies

To add a comment, right-click on the annotation you want to respond to and select "Open Pop-Up Note." From here, you can type your feedback. Acrobat also allows you to reply to comments, which is great for collaboration. If someone leaves feedback, you can respond directly within the pop-up note, keeping the discussion organized and centralized in one place.

adding comments and replies to the comments

Streamlining Workflow

Navigating Comments: Adobe Acrobat’s Comment List comes equipped with advanced filtering options. You can filter comments by type (e.g., text highlights, sticky notes, strike-throughs), date, color, or reviewer, allowing you to streamline your workflow when dealing with many comments. Additionally, you can export comments as an FDF (Form Data Format) file, which is useful when sharing the comments without sending the full document.

filtering the comments and exporting them

Special Comment Functions: Setting Status and Minimizing Pop-Ups

In Adobe, you can assign a status to comments, such as "Accepted," "Cancelled," "Completed," or "Rejected." This feature helps track the progress of feedback and allows team members to know which comments have been resolved and which still need attention.

assigning a status to comment

To declutter the workspace, use the "Minimize Pop-Ups" option, which hides all comment pop-ups except the one you're currently working on, making it easier to focus on specific feedback.

minimizing the pop ups

Collaborative Features

One of the standout features of Adobe Acrobat is the ability to mention team members. When a document is shared via Adobe Cloud, you can tag individuals in comments to bring their attention to specific feedback or areas that require their input. This feature is perfect for large collaborative projects, ensuring that the right people see the right comments at the right time.

mentioning team members in comments

Part 4. PDF-XChange Editor: Comprehensive Markup Tools

Creating Annotations

PDF-XChange Editor offers powerful annotation features that allow users to interact deeply with their documents.

Highlighting Text: Select the "Highlight" tool from the comment section, and drag your cursor over the desired text.

highlighting the text using the highlight tool

Once highlighted, you can leave a comment by right-clicking the text and choosing "Open Pop-Up Note."

choosing open pop up note from the options writing the comment

Adding Comments: Right-Click for Pop-Up Options

After highlighting or selecting text, right-click to add comments. You can also leave replies to comments directly within the same note, enabling ongoing discussions about specific sections of the document.

adding replies to the comments

Managing Comments

Replying and Locking: For better comment management, PDF-XChange Editor allows you to reply directly to comments, lock them for security, or mark them with a check once the issue has been addressed.

locking the comment marking the comment with a check

Exporting Annotations: Integration with Word and PowerPoint

A feature unique to PDF-XChange Editor is the ability to export comments into Microsoft Word or PowerPoint files. This functionality is especially useful for users who need to present or summarize feedback in a different format.

exporting the comments

Visibility and Deletion

Viewing Comments: Hover over any annotation to display the comment. This provides quick access without the need for extra clicks or scrolling.

hovering over the annotation to view the comment

Removing Comments: Right-click on the annotation and select "Delete" to remove both the annotation and its associated comment. But, before that, don’t forget to unlock the comment if locked. Otherwise, you won’t be able to delete. You can also delete by clicking on the three dots at the bottom of the pop-up note and selecting delete. This will delete both the comment and the annotation.

removing the comment

Part 5. Light PDF: Accessible Commenting for Quick Reviews

Simple Steps to Add Comments

Light PDF is a simple yet effective tool for quick annotations. To add comments, right-click on any annotation and select "Open Pop-Up Annotation."

choosing open pop up annotation from the options

Direct Commenting: Right-Click to Open and Add Notes

From the pop-up, you can type your comments directly, allowing for fast and efficient feedback addition.

adding comment to the annotation

Independent Note Addition: Using the Notes Icon from the Comment Tab

If you want to leave a note not linked to an annotation, use the "Notes" icon. This feature is especially helpful for general observations or reminders.

exploring the notes feature under the comment tab


adding notes

Managing Visibility

Showing and Hiding Annotations: You can easily toggle the visibility of comments by selecting "Show Annotations" or "Hide Annotations" by right-clicking on the annotation. This is particularly useful for documents with many annotations, helping to keep the screen clutter-free.

viewing all the comments and notes at once


closing all comment popups at once

Replying and Deleting: Interactive Comment Management

Reply to existing comments by clicking on the small comment icon at the bottom of the pop-up annotation.

replying to the existing comments

You can delete replies by clicking the trash icon at the bottom right of the pop-up.

deleting the replies

To delete the main comment, right-click on the annotation and select delete. This will also remove any linked highlights or annotations.

deleting the comments

Part 6. Best Practices for Using PDF Commenting Tools

Effective Commenting Strategies: Clarity, Professionalism, and Impact

To get the most out of your PDF annotations, it’s important to use clear, concise, and professional language. When leaving feedback:

  • Be Specific: Directly point out the issue or suggestion, avoiding vague language.
  • Use Color Codes: Differentiate comments by urgency or type using color-coding.
  • Set Statuses: Tools like Adobe Acrobat allow you to set statuses for comments, which can streamline large projects by keeping track of feedback progress.

Technical Tips for Seamless Collaboration: Ensuring Accessibility and Consistency

When working in teams, ensure that all users are aware of how to access comments and annotations. Use features like Adobe’s mention tool to ensure the right people are engaged. For large documents, sorting and filtering comments is key to preventing overwhelming feedback sessions.

Part 7. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: How do I ensure my comments are correctly saved in a PDF?

Make sure to regularly save your document after adding comments. Tools like Afirstsoft PDF and Adobe Acrobat will often prompt you to save changes before closing the document.

Q2: What should I do if I accidentally delete a comment?

You can undo the deletion by pressing Ctrl + Z immediately after the mistake. Once a document is saved, deleted comments may not be recoverable, so be sure to review carefully before saving.

Q3: How can I make comments visible only to specific people?

Tools like Adobe Acrobat allow you to mention specific users in shared documents stored on Adobe Cloud. This ensures that only the intended recipients are notified of the feedback.

Q4: What is the best PDF commenting tool for mobile users?

Afirstsoft PDF and Adobe Acrobat both offer strong mobile versions, making them ideal for users who need to comment and annotate on the go.

Q5: How do I manage a high volume of comments efficiently?

Use filtering options available in Afirstsoft PDF and Adobe Acrobat to sort comments by color, type, or date. This allows you to focus on the most critical feedback first.

Part 8. Conclusion

Choosing the right PDF tool for your needs can streamline the way you add and manage comments. Afirstsoft PDF stands out as a flexible, user-friendly tool that simplifies document collaboration. With its intuitive interface and advanced commenting options, it’s an ideal solution for teams and individuals who want to improve their document workflows.

Ready to see how Afirstsoft PDF can transform your PDF experience? Try it today to discover how easy it is to annotate, comment, and collaborate like a pro.

John Smith


With 10 years of experience in the office industry, John Smith is a tech enthusiast and seasoned copywriter. He likes sharing insightful product reviews, comparisons, and etc.

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