User Guide of Afirstsoft PDF

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Annotate PDF

These are pencil, marker, highlight, and underline, which affect the documents. They enhance the text's flow and ensure that the readers derive the best out of the text.

Features at a Glance

1. Pencil

  • Add pencil lines with adjustable stroke thickness and color.
  • The pencil tool allows you to create freehand lines and shapes on the document you are working on.
  • To draw thin lines, set the stroke thickness to thin; for thick lines, set the thickness to thick.
  • It is better to draw the pencil in a different color so that it is easy to distinguish between the different notes or when highlighting some of the sections.

2. Marker

  • Add marker lines, and adjust the thickness and color of the strokes
  • To underline the required fields of your document, you can use the marker tool in the same manner as a pen.
  • To increase or decrease the amount of space the marker strokes cover, change the width of the strokes.
  • You can also use different marker colors to sort the information or stress some elements with the help of different colors.

3. Eraser

  • You Can erase pencil and marker marks and adjust the erasing mode:
  • You can then use the eraser tool to erase any pencil and marker writing that you do not want to be seen.
  • Switch between partial erasing and full erasing modes:- Change between partial erasing and full erasing modes:
  • Partial Erasing: You should only rub out a part of a line or a mark.
  • Full Erasing: When you use the eraser to wipe on it, the whole line or mark is rubbed off the paper.
  • This is about the size of the eraser to enable erasing in the required area, depending on the size of the eraser.

4. Highlight

  • Select text to add highlight effect, adjust highlight color, and add notes to highlight.
  • In this case, you should highlight specific text passages so that you can underline them.
  • Modify the highlight color to make the sections distinct or indicate they are essential.
  • Insertions about the highlighted text so one can add additional comments or notes.

5. Underline

  • Select text to add an underline effect, adjust the underline color, and add notes to the underline.
  • Use bolding to stress certain text parts to draw attention to important points.
  • Choose the underline color so that you can easily distinguish the sections that you underlined.
  • Underlining should be used to give extra information or explain something, and notes should be placed in the underlined parts.

6. Strikethrough

  • Add a strikethrough effect to selected text, adjust the strikethrough color, and add notes to the strikethrough.
  • Draw a line through text that must be emphasized as wrong or irrelevant.
  • To change the color of the strikethrough, or if you prefer a more prominent color, select the color of your choice.
  • Notes can be used with struck-through text to explain why the text was struck through.

7. Notes

  • Double-click to add a note. You can edit the note content and set the background color of the note repeatedly.
  • The notes can be inserted anywhere within the document by placing the cursor in the required position.
  • Change the note's content in any way needed to provide detailed information or comment.
  • Change the note's background color to filter the notes by type or priority.

8. Text Block

  • Add a text box to any location: For the present research, the following research questions have been developed:
  • If you want to add some extra information, comment, or instruction, you can place the text boxes at any document location.
  • You can modify the text in the box to correspond to your annotation needs.

9. Area Highlight

  • Select a block to add a highlight effect and adjust the highlight color.
  • Use bold or underlining for the whole area of the text or pictures or the large areas of the text or pictures.
  • It is recommended that the highlight color be changed to make the highlighted parts more visible.

10. Box Selection

  • Select multiple annotation elements and delete them in batches.
  • Multiple annotations can be selected at once using the box selection tool.
  • To remove selected annotations in one go, you need to use the delete key so that you do not have to delete them individually.

All these annotation features provide end-to-end solutions to enhance and interact with PDF documents. The users can also input their preferences, highlight critical data, and make notes on the document; this improves the general layout of the document.